There are 3,500 named species of mosquito, of which only a couple of hundred bite or bother humans. They live on almost every continent and habitat, and serve important functions in numerous ecosystems. I have often wondered how possible it would be to have a world without mosquitoes. But i tell you as an ecologist, it’s not gonna be all bliss without mosquitoes in our world. i know someone would be thinking, “..Malaria infects some 247 million people worldwide each year, and kills nearly one million. Mosquitoes cause a huge further medical and financial burden by spreading yellow fever, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya virus and West Nile virus. Then there’s the pest factor: they form swarms thick enough to asphyxiate caribou in Alaska and now, as their numbers reach a seasonal peak, their proboscises are plunged into human flesh across the Northern Hemisphere..” i know all that but if what if we have no mosquitoes? someone may argue that if there was any benefits having them around we’d have had many ways to exploit them for our good,all man had ever wanted with mosquitoes was to have them forever fade into oblivion. what do we stand to lose if mosquitoes should go? food source we as humans have no direct need for mosquitoes as far as food is concerned, but the many other animals Many species of insect, spider, salamander, lizard and frog would also lose a primary food source. In a study published sometime ago researchers tracked insect-eating house martins at a park in Camargue, France, after the area was sprayed with a microbial mosquito-control agent1. They found that the birds produced on average two chicks per nest after spraying, compared with three for birds at control sites. dragonflies feed on mosquitoes and their larvae, as do bats. Fish often eat the larval forms and even snack on adult mosquitoes that linger too long on the surface of the water when they are laying their eggs. All of these organisms provide food for other animals along the food chain, which somehow along the food chain concerns us. POLLINATION i hope you know that it is not only bees and birds that help in pollination? mosquitoes too help to pollinate certain plants, especially the aquatic or near-aquatic plants that they spend much of their lives around. By doing so, mosquitoes help perpetuate these plants, which can provide cover and shelter for other animals and organisms. Subject of medical research Mosquitoes have a an amazing power to anesthetize their victims to reduce the feel of their bite. in a kinda way they feel your pain too ( lol) and they have that natural desire to make you more at ease while taking the much needed blood to help them survive. Some of these anesthetic properties of mosquito saliva have been studied and incorporated in synthetic forms into local and topical anesthetics people use to numb a patient undergoing medical treatment. In addition, according to “Mosquito Info,” prototype products have been developed to allow diabetics to test their blood sugar more painlessly with the use of a device resembling the tentacles of the mouth of a mosquito. What shall we do ? use of insecticides for sure seems to have the answer,on the short run,but what about the future? do you know how much poison we release into the environment all in the name of insecticides? we need a lasting solution.the government and organizations should not rest untill we can sleep with both eyes closed, without damaging our ecosystem. we just listed a few good things we may lose if the mosquitoes should totally go, but then the question is , is there a possibility we can stay healthy in a world inhabited by mosquitoes and still keep a balanced ecosystem? have you heard of genetically modified mosquitoes? In recent years, however, researchers started experimenting with ways to prevent malaria transmission at the source, using a new gene-editing technique called CRISPR, which allows scientists to edit genetic sequences rapidly and precisely. One solution prevents mosquitos from being infected with malaria and the other makes infected mosquitos infertile. Researchers at the University of California published one possible solution: Insert a modified gene into mosquitoes that makes them incapable of carrying the malaria parasite, this has been corroborated by related researches that proved that Not only did the mosquitoes in the study become malaria-resistant, but they were able to pass the gene to 99.5 percent of their offspring. That means that within a few generations, they could spread the gene to wild mosquitoes, effectively creating a natural barrier to malarial infection. food for thought
read more A world without mosquitoes: is annihilation the answer? | GISTWHEEL